Friday, February 3, 2012


Our school wide Value that is our focus throughout this 2012 is RESPECT.

Everyone in Room 22 contributed to this Wordle by writing a sentence about what 'Respects looks like'.


Anonymous said...

Hi Nga Kaituhi respect is a very important thing in life. Our school is also focusing on showing respect.

Anonymous said...

This is great Nga Kaithui! Instead of writing an entire topic/aspect about respect; I loved how you put together a picture with different words which describes respect. It's like a mesh of words of what respect means to you and others. Keep spreading the message respect and respecting yourself and others.

Anonymous said...

This is a great piece of work Nga Kaituhi! It's a great piece of work with a mesh of words which describes respect and what it means you and others. Keep spreading the message of respect and respecting yourself and others.