Friday, May 9, 2014

Our Assembly

This picture is our school band and they play every Friday at the beginning and at the end of assembly  they are the best in the school they practices all the time and play their very best onFridays. Here is the picture so you can see them!20140509_085313.JPG

Hi everyone we go to assembly every Friday in our  school we are learning about how to protect our field’s so that Pt England can play on them in the winter. This is because we want nice field’s to play on at all the times. This is our beautiful field.
our fields.png
This is our gear that we work with and we are always learn new things  about them we learn new things with them and most importantly use them to learn about, math, reading.writing and maybe even sciences. our gear.JPG

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Here are our student’s that get a Duffy Award in assembly each Friday that  have been caught being good, so Mr  Burt calls out the name then they had to walked up to the stage. They each receive a book as a reward for their efforts.

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